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Organizing special sections on ``Geometric and variational methods in control theory during the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Grant DMS 0245279.2001-2005 National Science Foundation Applied Math Program. Nonsmooth analysis on smooth manifolds, Grant DMS 0102496.1998 Full support from NATO for writing a joint lecture notes (with J. Borwein) and attending the SMS in Montreal, July 27-August 8, 1998.1998 -2001 Member, Advisory committee, National Science Foundation GAANN program. Grant 9820301.1997-2000 National Science Foundation Applied Math Program. Subdifferentials and its applications, Grant DMS 9704203 (1997-2000).1997 Faculty Research and Creative Activities Support Fund of Western Michigan University, Grant FRACASF No. 97-081 (1997-1998)1995 Western Michigan University Research Development Award Program grant. 1990 - 1993 National Science Foundation of China Young Researcher's Grant HONORS/AWARDS1996 Deans Appreciation Award, College of Arts and Sciences, Western Michigan University PUBLICATIONSBook [B1] Zhu, Q.J. (with Borwein, J. M.) Techniques of variational analysis, Springer-Verlag, 2005.[B2] Zhu, Q.J. (with Carr, P.) Convex Duality and Financial Mathematics, Springer, to appear. Journal Articles [67] Zhu, Qiji (with Jon M. Borwein), Entropy Maximization in Finance, submitted [66] Zhu, Qiji (with David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, Amir Salehipour, Marcos Lopez de Prado), "Backtest overfitting in financial markets," Automated Trader, 39 (2016). [65] Zhu, Qiji (with David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, and Marcos Lopez de Prado), "Mathematical appendices to: 'The probability of backtest overfitting," Journal of Computational Finance, to appear.[64] Zhu, Qiji (with David H. Bailey, Jonathan M. Borwein, and Marcos Lopez de Prado), The probability of backtest overfitting, Journal of Computational Finance, 20 (2016) 1-31.[63] Zhu, Q. J. (with J. Borwein), A variational approach to Lagrange multipliers, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. (2016) 171: 727--756. doi:10.1007/s10957-015-0756-2[62] Zhu, Q. J. (with M. Lpez de Prado and R. Vince), Optimal Risk Budgeting under a Finite Investment Horizon, submitted SSRN 2364092[61] Zhu, Q. J. (with J. Borwein), Variational methods in the presence of symmetry, Advances in Nonlinear Analysis. Vol. 2 (2013) 271307. [60] Zhu, Q. J. (with D. Bailey, J. Borwein, M. Lpez de Prado), Pseudo-mathematics and financial charlatanism: the effects of backtest overfitting on out-of-sample performance. Notice of AMS, May 2014. [59] Zhu, Q. J. (with R. Vince) Optimal Betting Sizes for the Game of Blackjack, Risk Journals: Portfolio Management, Vol 4, Sept. (2015) 53-75. [58] Zhu, Q. J. (with R. Vince) Inflection Point Significance for the Investment Size, SSRN 2230874. [57] Zhu, Q. J. (with R. Vince and S. Malinski) A dynamic implementations of the leverage space portfolio. SSRN 2230866. [56] Zhu, Q. J. Convex analysis in financial mathematics, Nonlinear Analysis: TMA. 75 (2012) 1719-1736. [55] Zhu, Q. J. (with Min Dai, Zhou Yang and Qing Zhang) Optimal Trend Following Trading Rules, Math. Oper. Research. Vol. 41 Jan. (2016) 626-642. [54] Zhu, Q. J. (with Min Dai and Qing Zhang) Trend following trading in regime switching model, SIAM Journal of Math Finance, Vol. 1 (2010) 780-810. [53] Zhu, Q. J. A robust option replacement trading strategy: applying variational analysis to financial problems, Proceedings of 2008 World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, Orlando, FL, July 2008.[52] Zhu, Q. J. Vector majorization and a robust option replacement trading strategy, Set-valued Analysis, (2008). [51] Zhu, Q. J. Mathematical analysis of investment systems, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 326 (2007) 708-720.[50] Zhu, Q. J. (with Yu. Ledyaev) Nonsmooth analysis on smooth manifolds, Transactions of American Mathematical Society, Vol. 359 (2007) 36873732.[49] Zhu, Q. J. (with J. Borwein) Variational methods in convex analysis, J. Global Optimization. Vol. 35 (2006) 197-213.[48] Zhu, Q. J. (with Yu. Ledyaev and J. Treiman) Hellys intersection theorem on manifolds with nonpositive curvature, J. Convex Analysis Vol. 13 (2006) 785-798.[47] Zhu, Q. J. (with Yu. Ledyaev) Multidirectional mean value inequalities and weak monotonicity, J. London Math. Soc. 71 (2005), 187-202. [46] Zhu, Q. J. A variational proof of Birkhoffs theorem on doubly stochastic matrices, Mathematical Inequalities and Applications, 7 (2004) 309-313.[45] Zhu, Q. J. Nonconvex separation theorem for multifunctions, subdifferential calculus and applications, Set-Valued Analysis, Vol. 12 (2004), 275-290.[44] Zhu, Q. J. (with Yu. Ledyaev) Techniques for nonsmooth analysis on smooth manifolds, Part I. The local theory, Optimal control, stabilization and nonsmooth analysis, 283-297, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci. 301, Springer, Berlin, 2004.[43] Zhu, Q. J. (with Yu. Ledyaev) Techniques for nonsmooth analysis on smooth manifolds, Part II. Using deformation and flows, Optimal control, stabilization and nonsmooth analysis, 299-311, Lecture Notes in Control and Inform. Sci. 301, Springer, Berlin, 2004.[42] Zhu, Q. J. (with B. S. Mordukhovich and J. Treiman) An extended extremal principle with applications to multi-objective optimization, SIAM J. Optimization, Vol 14 (2003), 359-379.[41] Zhu, Q. J. Lower semicontinuous Lyapunov functions and stability, J. Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, Vol. 4 (2003), 325-332.[40] Zhu, Q. J. (with Ye, J. J.) Multiobjective optimization problem with variational inequality constraints, Math. Programming Vol 96 (2003), 139-160.[39] Zhu, Q. J. Necessary conditions for constrained optimization problems in smooth Banach spaces with applications, SIAM J. Optimization, Vol. 12 (2002), 1032-1047.[38] Zhu, Q. J. (With Greenwood, G.) Convergence in evolutionary programs with self-adaptation, Evolutionary Computation 9 (2001) 147-157.[37] Zhu, Q. J. (With Borwein, J. M. and Lewis, A. S.) Convex spectral functions ofcompact operators, Part II: Lower semicontinuity and rearragement invariance, Proceedings of the Optimization Miniconference VI, Kluwer Academic Publ. 2000. [36] Zhu, Q. J. (With Boukas, E. K.) Production set of failure prone flexible manufacturing systems. Stochastic Anal. Appl. 18 (2000), no. 1, 3961. [35] Zhu, Q. J. (With Borwein, J. M., Read, J. and Lewis, A. S.) Convex spectral functions ofcompact operators, J. of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 1 (2000) 17-35.[34] Zhu, Q. J. Hamiltonian necessary conditions for a multiobjective optimal control problem with endpoint constraints, SIAM J. Contr. & Optim. 39 (2000), 97-112.[33] Zhu, Q. J. (With Mordukhovich, B. S. and Shao, Y.), Viscosity coderivatives and their limiting behavior in smooth spaces, Positivity 4 (2000) 1-39.[32] Zhu, Q. J. (With Ledyaev, Yu. S.), Implicit multifunctions theorems, Set-valued Analysis,7 (1999) 209-238.[31] Zhu, Q. J. (With Borwein, J.M.), A survey of subdifferential calculus with applications, CECM Research Report 98105, Nonlinear Analysis, TMA. 38 (1999) 687-773.[30] Zhu, Q. J. (With Borwein, J. M. and Treiman, J. S. ) Partially smooth variational principles and applications. Nonlinear Analysis: TMA, 35. (1999), pp.1031-1059.[29] Zhu, Q. J. (With Borwein, J.M.), MultiFunctional and Functional Analytic Techniques in Nonsmooth Analysis, Proceedings of the 37th consecutive edition of the SMS on Nonlinear Analysis and Control, Montreal, July-August, 1998.[28] Zhu, Q. J. (With Borwein, J.M.), Limiting convex examples for nonconvex subdifferential calculus, Convex Analysis. 5. 1998, pp. 221-235.[27] Zhu, Q. J. The equivalence of several basic theorems for subdifferentials. Set-valued Analysis, 6. 1998, pp. 171-185. [26] Zhu, Q. J. Clarke-Ledyaev mean value inequalities in smooth Banach spaces. Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. 32. 1998, pp 315-324.[25] Zhu, Q. J. (With Vanderwerff, J.) A limiting example for the local fuzzy sum rule in nonsmooth analysis. CECM Research Report 96-083, Simon Fraser University. Proceedings of the American Mathematics Society. 126, 1998 pp. 2691-2697[24] Zhu, Q. J. (with Ye, J. J.) Hamilton-Jacobi theory for a generalized optimal stopping time problem. Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Applications, 34, 1998, pp.1029-1053.[23] Zhu, Q. J. (with Borwein, J. M. and Treiman, J. S.) Necessary conditions for constrained optimization problems with semicontinuous and continuous data. Transactions of AMS. 350, 1998, pp.2409-2429.[22] Zhu, Q. J. (with Rosenblueth, J. F. and Warga, J.) On the characterization of properly relaxed delayed controls. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 209. 1997, pp274-290.[21] Zhu, Q. J. (with Ye, J. J. and Zhu, D. L.) Exact penalization and necessary optimality conditions for generalized bilevel programming problem. SIAM Journal on Optimization. 7. 1997, pp. 481-507.[20] Zhu, Q. J. (with Ye, J.) Perturbed differential inclusion problem with nonadditive L1 perturbations and applications. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications. 92. 1997, 189-208.[19] Zhu, Q. J. (with Borwein, J. M.) Variational analysis in smooth Banach spaces and control problems with L1 perturbations, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications. Vol. 28 1997, pp. 889-915.[18] Zhu, Q. J. Studying flexible manufacturing systems via deterministic control problems. Included in Recent Advances in Control and Optimization of Manufacturing Systems. Q. Zhang G. Yin eds. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Series, 214, Springer-Verlag. 1996.[17] Zhu, Q. J. (with Borwein, J. M.) Viscosity solutions and viscosity subderivatives in smooth Banach spaces with applications to metric regularity. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization. Vol. 34. (1996) 1568-1591. [16] Zhu, Q. J. Necessary optimality conditions for nonconvex differential inclusion with endpoint constraints. Journal of Differential Equations. Vol. 124 (1996) 186 - 204.[15] Zhu, Q. J. (with Boukas, E. K. and Zhang, Q.) Optimal production and maintenance plan-ning for flexible manufacturing systems. Control Theory and Advanced Technology. Vol. 10 (1995) 1421 - 1430.[14] Zhu, Q. J. Integral inclusions with delays in Banach spaces. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 188 (1994) 1-24. [13] Zhu, Q. J. (with Boukas, E. K. and Zhang, Q.) A piecewise deterministic Markov process model for flexible manufacturing systems with preventive maintenance. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 81, 1994. pp. 259-275.[12] Zhu, Q. J. (with Warga, J.) The equivalence of extremals in different representations of unbounded control problems. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 32, 1994. pp. 1151-1169.[11] Zhu, Q. J. (with Warga, J.) A proper relaxation of shifted and delayed controls. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 168, 1992. pp. 546-561.[10] Zhu, Q. J. (with Chang, N. and He, Y.) An algorithm for the reachability set of a linear control system. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 72, 1992. pp. 333-353.[9] Zhu, Q. J. On the solution set of differential inclusions in Banach spaces. Journal of Differential Equations 93, 1991. pp. 213-237.[8] Zhu, Q. J. Approximating the reachability set of a nonlinear system. (Chinese) Acta Mathematica Scientia, Beijing, 9, 1989. pp. 215-222.[7] Zhu, Q. J. Relaxation theorem for differential inclusions in separable Banach space. Chinese Bulletin of Sciences, Chinese Version 33, 1988. pp. 1635-1636; English Version 34, 1989. pp. 1838-1839.[6] Zhu, Q. J. Vector-valued measure and maximum principle for a system governed by a Fred-holm integral equation, (Chinese), Journal of Zhejiang University 22, 1988. pp. 146-155.[5] Zhu, Q. J. (with Shao, J.) Sufficient conditions for some optimal problems with application to the problem of optimal accumulation rate. (Chinese). Applied Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese Universities 2, 1987. pp. 306-315.[4] Zhu, Q. J. Integral of set-valued maps in Banach spaces. Chinese Bulletin of Sciences, Chinese Version: 31(1986), 1538; English Version: 32(1987), 1717. [3] Zhu, Q. J. Maximum principle for control system governed by elliptic partial differential equation. (Chinese). Control Theory and Applications 3, 1986. pp. 120-129.[2] Zhu, Q. J. Single-valued representation of absolutely continuous set-valued mappings. Chinese Bulletin of Sciences, Chinese Version: 30, 1985. pp. 637-640. English Version: 31, 1986. pp. 443-446. [1] Zhu, Q. J. (with Chen, Y.) A class of globally convergent iterative methods with real parameters and parametric functions. (Chinese). Numerical Mathematics: A Journal of Chinese Universities 1, 1984. pp. 86-90. PRESENTATIONS PAPERS PRESENTED AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGSZhu, Q. J. Entropy maximization in finance, Remembrance Day, Institute Henry Poincare, Paris, Feb. 10, 2017.Zhu, Q. J. What Jon Borwein had taught mereminiscent of a mentor and friend, 18th Midwest Optimization Meeting, MSU, Lansing, October, 2016 Zhu, Q. J. Entropy maximization in finance, 18th Midwest Optimization Meeting, MSU, Lansing, October, 2016Zhu, Q. J. Convex duality in finance, Optimization Day, Western Ontario University, London, Ontario, Canada, June, 2016Zhu, Q. J. (with Marcos Lopez de Prado and Ralph Vince) Optimal Risk Budgeting under a Finite Investment Horizon, World Financial Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina July, 2015.Zhu, Q. J. Variational approach to Lagrange Multipliers, 16th Midwest Optimization Meeting, Loyola University, Chicago, October, 2014.Zhu, Q. J. Lagrange Multipliers and Application in Financial problems, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University, October, 2014.Zhu, Q. J. Variational approach to Lagrange Multipliers I, II, CARMA OANT SEMINAR, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, July, 2014.Zhu, Q. J. How to win the game of Blackjack, Undergraduate Colloquium, Loyola University, Chicago, November, 2013., Zhu, Q. J. How to win the game of Blackjack, 15th Midwest Optimization Meeting, London, ON, Canada, October 19, 2013., Zhu, Q. J. What in the world are banks doing in listening to the losers, 14th Midwest Optimization Meeting, Kalamazoo, October 15, 2012.Zhu, Q. J. An Optimal Trend Following Trading Strategy, 13th Midwest Optimization Meeting & Workshop on Large Scale Optimization and Applications, October 14-15, 2011.Zhu, Q. J. Variational Methods in Trend Following Trading, A workshop on Computational and Analytical Mathematics, May 16-20, 2011.Zhu, Q.J., How Many Tricks Does a Variational Analyst Have? Analysis Day, May 13, 2011 University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC. Canada.Zhu, Q. J. Why bankers should know convex analysis, 2010 Winter Meeting of Canadian Mathematical Soc., Vancouver, B.C, Canada, Dec. 2010.Zhu, Q. J. Why bankers should know convex analysis, 12th Midwest Optimization meeting, Detroit, MI, October, 2010.Zhu, Q. J. Term structure of interest rates with consumption commitments, 11th Midwest Optimization meeting and AMS Central Section Meeting, Kalamazoo, MI, October, 2009Zhu, Q. J. Term structure of interest rates with consumption commitments, 6th World Congress of the Bachlier Financial Soc., Toronto, Canada, June 2010Zhu, Q. J. Instability of replicating option pricing and the financial crisis, Second Work Shop in Memory of Prof. Li Xunjin, Guiyang, China, June 2009Zhu, Q. J., A robust option replacement trading strategy: applying variational analysis to financial problems, 2008 World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, Orlando, FL, July 2008Zhu, Q. J., Option Replacement Trading Strategy and Related Pricing Intervals, America Control Conference, New York, NY, July, 2007Zhu, Q. J., How Many Tricks Does a Variational Analyst Have? AMS meeting at Miami University, Oxford OH, March 2007Zhu, Q. J., Don't Overeat Free Lunches:Looking beyond the Black-Scholes option pricing method, 2006 Midwest Optimization Seminar, Miami University, Oxford OH, October, 2006Zhu, Q. J., Investment Systems and Related Option Strategies, SIAM Conference on Mathematical Finance, Boston, MA, July 2006Zhu, Q. J., Variational Analysis and Alchemy, Atlantic Analysis Days, Halifax, Canada, January, 2006Zhu, Q. J., Hellys intersection theorem on manifolds of nonpositive curvature, 2005 Canadian Mathematical Soc. Summer Meeting, Waterloo, ON Canada, June 2005.Zhu, Q. J., Variational methods in nonsmooth and convex analysis, The 4th World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, Orlando, FL, July 2004.Zhu, Q. J., A variational method and Birkhoffs theorem, the joint conference of SIAM and Canadian Mathematical Soceity, Halifax, Canada, June, 2003Zhu, Q. J., A variational proof of Birkhoffs theorem on doubly stochastic matrices, the 5th Midwest Optimization Seminar, Oakland University, Detroit, MI, October, 2003Zhu, Q. J., (with Ledyaev, Y.S.) Techniques for nonsmooth analysis on smooth manifolds, Conference on Mathematical Control Theory, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 2003. Zhu, Q. J., Wargas abundant sets and their role in optimal control problems, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, December 2002.Zhu, Q. J., Lower semicontinuous Lyapunov functions and subdifferential calculus, Proceedings of the 41st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Las Vegas, NV, December 2002.Zhu, Q. J., Multi-objective optimal control problems and an extremal principle, SIAM Annual conference, San Diego, July 2001.Zhu, Q. J. Subdifferential of the level sets of a lower semicontinuous functions and its applications, West coast optimization meeting, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, May 8, 2001.Zhu, Q. J. Necessary conditions for constrained optimization problems in smooth Banach spaces with applications, Central session meeting of AMS, Lawrence Kansas, March 2001.Zhu, Q. J., Hamiltonian necessary conditions for a multiobjective optimal control problem with endpoint constraints, The 3rd World Congress of Nonlinear Analysis, Catania, Italy, July 2000.Zhu, Q. J., A generalized extremal principle and its applications, West Coast Optimization Meeting, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, April 28, 2000.Zhu, Q. J., Optimal control and nonsmooth analysis, Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Tampa, FL, December 1998.Zhu, Q. J. (With Borwein, J.M.), MultiFunctional and Functional Analytic Techniques in Nonsmooth Analysis, The 37th consecutive edition of the SMS held during the twoweekperiod July 27August 7, 1998 on Nonlinear Analysis and Control.Zhu, Q.J., The equivalence of several basic theorems in subdifferential calculus, Midwest Optimization seminar, Kalamazoo, August 1998.Zhu, Q. J., Sensitivity and nonsmooth analysis, MAA Michigan section meeting, Kalamazoo, May 1998Zhu, Q. J. (With Ledyaev, Yu. S.), Implicit multifunctions theorems, West Coast Optimization Meeting, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, April 25, 1998.Zhu, Q. J., Control system with delays and chaotics, 18th IFIP TC7 Conference on System modelling and optimization, Detroit, MI, July, 1997Zhu, Q. J., A short proof of the ClarkeLedyaev mean value inequality, 18th IFIP TC7 Conference on System modelling and optimization, Detroit, MI, July, 1997Zhu, Q. J., Sensitivity analysis for optimization problems in reflexive Banach spaces, 1997 CECM conference, Burnaby, B. C. Canada, June 1997. Zhu, Q. J. Some applications of partially smooth variational principles. Given at the Central Session Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Detroit, MI. May 2-4, 1997.Zhu, Q. J. Subderivatives and applications, International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Differential Equations, Springfield, MO, May 29 - June 1 1996. Zhu, Q. J. (with E. K. Boukas and R. Malhame) Expected Reachability for Piecewise Deterministic Linear Markov Processes, presented at The 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, December 1995.Zhu, Q. J. (with Boukas, E. K. and Kenne, J. P.) Age dependent hedging point policies in manufacturing systems. Presented at the American Control Conference, 1995.Zhu, Q. J. (with Warga, J.) Necessary optimality conditions for nonstandard control problems. Presentation at the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL. December 1994.Zhu, Q. J. (with Borwein, J. J.) Control problems with L1 perturbations and variational analysis in non-reflexive spaces. Given at the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Lake Buena Vista, FL. December 1994.Zhu, Q. J. Necessary optimality conditions for nonconvex differential inclusion with endpoint constraints. Presentation at the SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. July 1994.Zhu, Q. J. Expected reachability for piecewise deterministic linear Markov process. Presentation for Optimization Day, Montreal, Canada. May 1993.Zhu. Q. J. A relaxation theorem for Banach space integral-inclusion with delays and shifts. Presented at the SIAM Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. September 1992. OTHER PRESENTATIONS\COLLOQUIAZhu, Q. J. Variational methods in the presence of symmetry, Joint Analysis Seminar, Institute for Mathematics and Department of Math. RWTH Aachen University, November, 2016Zhu, Q. J. Convex duality in financial math, Lecture series, Beifang University of Nationalities, Ningxia, June 2016.Zhu, Q. J. Optimal mass transport and its application in finance, Academy of Mathematical and system Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, May, 2016Zhu, Q. J. Preservation of generalized convexity in contingent claim pricing and applications, Financial Math Seminar, University of Chicago, Chicago, March 2016.Zhu, Q. J. Convex duality in financial math, Colloquium, Courant Institute, New York University, New York, December 2015.Zhu, Q. J, Variational Approach to Lagrange Multipliers, Colloquium, Dept of Math, Western Michigan University, September 2014Zhu, Q. J. How to win the game of Blackjack, Undergraduate colloquium, Loyola University, Chicago, November 2013.Zhu, Q. J. What in the world are banks doing in listening to the losers, Lunch talk, CARMA, University of Newcastle, August 2012Zhu, Q. J. Variational methods in the presence of symmetry, Colloquium, CARMA, University of Newcastle, August 2012Zhu, Q. J. General equilibrium theory, Colloquium, Department of Math, WMU, Februray, 2010Zhu, Q. J. Dont overeat free lunches, Colloquium, Association of Chartered Financial Advisors, Singapore, May 2009Zhu, Q. J. Instability of replicating option pricing and the financial crisis, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China, June 2009Zhu, Q. J. Instability of replicating option pricing and the financial crisis, Colloquium, Risk Management Institute, Singapore National University, Singapore, February 2009Zhu, Q. J. Instability of replicating option pricing and the financial crisis, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Fudan University, China, November 2008Zhu, Q. J. A robust option replacement trading strategy and related open problems, Colloquium, Institute of Applied and System Science, Academica Sinica, Beijing, China, May 2008Zhu, Q. J. Convex analysis in financial mathematics, Colloquium, Guanghua Management School, Peking University, Beijing China, May 2008Zhu, Q. J. A robust option replacement trading strategy and related open problems, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Jilin University, Changchun China, May 2008Zhu, Q. J. Robust Option Pricing Intervals and Trading Strategies, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Western Michigan University, February 2007Zhu, Q. J. Option Pricing Intervals, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, September, 2006Zhu, Q. J. Introduction to variational techniques, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Tongji University, Shanghai, China. June, 2002Zhu, Q. J. Convex analysis and variational methods, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. May, 2002Zhu, Q. J. Variational methods in control and partial differential equations, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China. May, 2002Zhu, Q. J. Techniques of variational analysis and their applications, Colloquium, Department of Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. April, 2002Zhu, Q. J. Nonsmooth phenomena in control problems and subdifferentials. Seminar on Control Theory, Rutgers University, May 16, 1997.Zhu, Q. J. Subderivatives and applications. Pacific Institute Workshop on Analysis, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. August 1996.Zhu, Q. J. Lagrange multipliers via nonsmooth analysis, Applied analysis seminar, Wayne State University, April, 1996.Zhu, Q. J. (with Borwein, J. M.) Variational analysis in smooth Banach spaces and control problems with L1 perturbations. CECM Colloquium presentation, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. March 1994.Zhu, Q. J. Relaxation theorems and applications. Applied Analysis colloquium given at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI. March 1994. Zhu, Q. J. Two nonstandard control problems. Talk for the Applied Analysis colloquium, University of Victoria, Victoria, Canada. November 1993.Zhu, Q. J. Second order generalized derivatives. CECM Colloquium presentation at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. September 1993.PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONSAmerican Association of University ProfessorsAmerican Financial AssociationPi Mu EpsilonPROFESSIONAL SERVICEREVIEWS/REFEREE/EDITAssociate Editor for International Journal of Mathematical Model and Methods in Applied Sciences 2013 --Associate Editor for Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2011 Associate Editor for Set-valued and Variational Analysis, Springer 2009Associate Editor for Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2010--2013Associate Editor for SIAM Journal on Optimization 2004-2005Reviewer for Mathematical Reviews and Zentralblatt MathReferee for the following journals and conferences:Annals of Operations ResearchIEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Conference on Decision and Control 1995,1996,1997,1998,1999,2001,2003, 2007IEEE Transactions on Automatic ControlJournal of Convex AnalysisJournal of Mathematical Analysis and ApplicationsJournal of Nonlinear and Convex AnalysisJournal of Optimization Theory and ApplicationsJournal of Statistical Computation and SimulationJournal of the London Mathematical SocietyMathematical ProgrammingMethods and Models of Operations Research NATO collaborative research grantNonlinear Analysis, Theory Method and ApplicationsNonlinear Analysis, Real World ApplicationsProceedings of the American Mathematical Society Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on Control and OptimizationSociety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal on OptimizationTransactions of the American Mathematical Society1997 Outside reviewer for the promotion of Wexiong Liu in Department of Mathematical and Computer Science, Loyola University Chicago.2014 Externer reviewer for promotion of Mau Nam Ngueyen, Portland State University2015 Outside reviewer for the promotion of Ruihua Liu in Department of Mathematics, University of Dayton, Ohio.Discussant: Equilibrium Bid-Ask Spread of European Derivatives in Dry Markets, by Joo Amaro de Matos | Nova School of Business and Economics and Fundacao Getulio Vargas | Portugal, Ana Lacerda | Portuguese Permanent Representation to the EU | Belgium and Marko Petrov | Nova School of Business and University of Amsterdam (UvA) | Netherlands, World Financial Conference 2015. Synergistic and Media Co-Editor of Blog: Mathematicians Against Fraudulent Financial and Investment Advice http://www.financial-math.org/SUPERVISION OF STUDENT RESEARCH AND THESIS PROJECT 2013 External reviewer for Ph.D. Thesis submitted by Mclean R. Edwards in Department of Mathematics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C. Canada 2012-- PH. D. Thesis advisor for Sagara Uditha Dewasurendra2010-- PH. D. Thesis advisor for Mehdi Varifedan2006- 2010 PH. D. Thesis advisor for Anirban Dutta 2006-2009 Doctor dissertation committee for Themba L. Nyirenda , Statistics Department, WMU1999-2003 PH.D. thesis advisor for Kirsty Eisenhart1997 External examiner of Zili Wus master's degree in Applied Mathematics, University of Victoria, B. C. Canada 19972002 Doctor dissertation committee for Modhi Alshehri, Physics Department, WMUDEPARTMENT SERVICE 2016- Member, Department Executive Committee.2009- Advisor for Actuary Science Minor.2014 Chair, Department Curriculum Committee, Calc 1 & 2 coordinator,2013 Member, Department Instruction Committee, Calc 1 & 2 coordinator2012 Member, Department Instruction Committee2011 Associate Chair, Department of Math.2011 Chair, Department Instruction Committee 2010 Chair, Department placement committee 2010 Member, Department Instruction Committee 2007 Chair, Department Curriculum Committee 2006-2008 Member, Faculty Senator, Campus Planning and Finance Council 2006 Chair, Department Tenure Committee 2005 Member, Math area group graduate committee 2005 Chair, Department Tenure Committee 2004 Department Colloquia Chair 2004 Math374 coordinator 2003 Member, part-time instructor hiring committee 2003 Chair, Math hiring committee 2002 Chair, Math hiring committee 2001 Member, part-time instructor hiring committee 2000 Member, College of Arts and Sciences curriculum committee1999 Member, Math area group graduate committee1998 Chair, Math area group graduate committee1998--present Member, Department Analysis Prelim Exam Committee1998 Member, Department DEE Exam Committee1997 Chair, Math area group graduate committee1997 Member, Department Analysis Prelim Exam Committee1997 Member, Department DEE Exam Committee1996 Member, Department DEE Exam Committee1996 Member, Analysis Hiring Committee 1996- Faculty Mentor for one departmental Teaching Assistant1996- Faculty Mentor for departmental part-time instructor1994 - Advisor for graduate students in the Masters degree program in mathematics ACTIVITIES RELATED TO INSTRUCTIONCOURSES TAUGHT Calculus 1-3, Advanced Calculus 1-2, Differential equations, Advanced differential equations, Real Analysis 1-2, Linear Algebra, Advanced linear algebra, Linear programming, Optimization(Convex Duality and Financial Math), Mathematical Modeling (Time series and financial applications), Financial Mathematics, Stochastical Differential Equations (for master students in financial math program at National University of Singapore).CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT 2017 Math 6050 Optimization, adapting my joint book with J. Borwein ``Techniques of Variational Anaysis to fit the need of this class. 2016 Revising lecture notes for Math 6020: convex duality and financial problems based on joint book with Peter Carr on the same topic.2015 Revising lecture notes for Math 6050: highlights the link between convex duality and Lagrange multiplier rule and adding new applications in financial problems2013 Developed new course material for Math 6050 emphasizing application in financial problems 2012 Developed new course material for Math 6020 Mathematical Modeling. Focusing on financial time series, the course is application oriented with a mix of theory, numerical experiments and course projects. A set of lecture slides is cumulated in the process. 2011 Reorganize Math 4050 Financial Mathematics to increase student presentations and add a course project so as to enhance student learning. 2009 Developed new course: Math 4050 Financial Mathematics 2009 Developed new curriculum, wrote lecture notes and taught Stochastic Differential Equations for the Financial Engineering Masters program in Risk Management Institute, National University of Singapore, Singapore. 2008 Participated in establishing the Minor in Actuary Science. 2008 Designed a new course Math 4050 Mathematical Finance. 2007 Lecture notes on Mathematical Finance prepared and used in Math 602 Optimization discussing how to apply optimization methods in mathematical finance problems2005 Finished a joint book with Jonathan Borwein at Dalhousie University ``Techniques of Variational Analysis: an introduction. This monograph includes many exercises on different levels and chapters in the book can be convenient arranged as contents for a graduate level topic course. 2002 Lecture notes on techniques of variational analysis. Give a lecture series to graduate students and faculty at Fudan University elaborating techniques of variational analysis and their applications.2001 Math 574: New syllabus emphasizing uniqueness and existence of solutions and qualitative study of nonlinear differential equations and implementation. 1999 Math 122: Calculus with early vectors. I assisted Jay Treiman in developing this new sequence for engineering and science students. 1998 Math 679: Topics in Analysis. I developed a draft of lecture notes on subdifferentials and applications.1997 Math 670 and Math 671: Real Analysis sequence. Developed and implemented syllabi for this new sequence.1997 Math 678: Functional analysis. Developed and implemented new syllabus emphasizing examples in applications.1996 Math 570 and Math 571: Advanced Calculus sequence. Developed and implemented new syllabi.1996 Math 408 Linear Programming. I directed students working on projects from real world problems. Problems in managing grocery stores, a transportation company and a cafeteria are studied by students. They like the experiences in working with real world problems and see linear programming in action.1995 Developed a draft of lecture notes on nonsmooth and dynamical optimization for Math 605, a graduate course on Optimization. DATE \@ "ddMMMyy"24Apr17 pg. 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