

浙大-西湖几何分析讨论班——Construction of Morse Flow Lines between Self-expanders

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2025-01-02   10

报告人:陈乐天(University of Tennessee, Knoxville)



 要:One of the central questions in the study of mean curvature flow (MCF) is to determine whether one can flow past singularities. For asymptotically conical singularities, self-expanders model the potential continuations of MCFs past singularities. However, due to a complicated nonuniqueness phenomenon, it is often difficult, if at all possible, to choose a canonical continuation. In this talk we construct a (non-self-expanding) solution of MCF coming out of the cone that has much better properties than the rest of the solutions with some applications. This is joint work with Jacob Bernstein and Lu Wang.



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