Some progress on dispersive estimates of higher order elliptic operator
Speaker: 尧小华(华中师范大学)
Time: 2025-01-07,9:15-10:15
Location: 海纳苑2幢205
Abstract: The dispersive estimates of Schr\”odinger operators are interesting topics, which play fundamental roles in the wellposedness of nonlinear dispersive equations and the stability of solitary waves. In this talk, I will recall some classical works on Kato smoothing, Strichartz estimates and point-wise decay of Schr\”odinger operators with the bounded decay potentials, and then address recent progress on higher order elliptic operators. The main techniques based on the detailed analysis of resolvent and spectral measure, where the classifications of zero resonances and zero asymptotic expansions of resolvent are the most important parts.
Contact Person: 王梦(