Real-time simulation of spin chains in an open quantum system
报 告 人:王戈烁 博士后(新加坡国立大学)
报告地点:数学楼(海纳苑2幢 )210室
报告摘要: We present a novel approach for real-time simulations of open quantum systems, focusing on spin chains where each spin is coupled to its own harmonic bath. Our method integrates the inchworm technique for the spin-boson model with the modular path integral framework for spin systems. By decomposing the spin chain into single-spin problems, we apply the inchworm method to compute individual spin dynamics. These single-spin results are then interconnected using the modular path integral method to reconstruct the full system's behavior. Furthermore, we enhance computational efficiency by applying the transfer tensor method and tensor train representations. This hybrid approach offers a scalable and accurate framework for simulating complex quantum systems.