

代数几何讨论班——On the Hodge theory of Toroidal embeddings and corresponding Vanishings

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2024-10-21   10

报 告 人:魏传豪 (西湖大学)



  要:Deligne's logarithmic comparison theorem and the degeneracy of the spectural sequence of logarithmic de Rham complex gives the mixed Hodge structure of a projective smooth variety with a normal crossing boundary divisor. In this talk, we will try to build a similar theory on toroidal embeddings. In particular, we will show the E_1-degeneracy of the spectral sequence of the logarithmic de Rham complex of any toroidal triple. This gives a geometric proof of a more general version of Danilov's conjecture.




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