

计算与应用讨论班——Advanced Numerical Methodologies for Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) Problems

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2024-06-06   10

报告人:Pengtao Sun(University of Nevada)



摘要:In this talk, I will present my resent research work on fluid-structure interaction (FSI) problems. The interaction of a flexible structure with a flowing fluid in which it is submersed or by which it is surrounded gives rise to a rich variety of physical phenomena with applications in many fields of engineering. Thus, finding accurate, efficient and robust ways to model and simulate both fluid and structure that are dynamically coupled together through moving interfaces has been always crucial to understand the phenomena of FSI. There are currently several major approaches for solving FSI problems that are classified by either the numerical treatment on interface conditions or the mesh conformity across moving interfaces. In my talk, I will briefly present four advanced numerical methodologies developed and analyzed in my research work of numerical FSI: (1) body-fitted mesh method; (2) body-unfitted mesh method; (3) meshfree/deep neural network method; and (4) reduced order modeling method, where the monolithic approach is adopted for each technique to realistically implement the dynamic coupling between fluid and structure. In addition, numerical experiments of substantial FSI problems ranging from hydrodynamics (physics) to hemodynamics (physiology) will also be shown in this talk to illustrate that the presented well developed numerical methodologies can produce high-fidelity numerical results for realistic FSI problems in an efficient and accurate fashion.

报告人简介:Dr. Pengtao Sun is a Tenured Full Professor of Department of Mathematical Sciences in University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Dr. Sun obtained his PhD degree from Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1997. Before joining University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2007, he worked as Research Scientist, Postdoctoral Fellow, Research Associate and Assistant Professor in Chinese Academy of Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Pennsylvania State University and Simon Fraser University. Dr Sun’s primary research fields are Numerical PDEs and Scientific & Engineering Computing with applications to miscellaneous multiphysics problems in the fields of solid mechanics, fluid dynamics, fuel cell dynamics, fluid-structure interactions, hemodynamics, electrohydrodynamics, and etc. Dr. Sun has been continuously supported by National Science Foundation, Simons Foundation and Faculty Opportunity Awards (UNLV) since 2008. He has published more than 100 academic articles on top journals. Dr. Sun was the recipient of Distinguished Researcher Award at College of Sciences, UNLV in 2016.


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