

计算与应用讨论班——Modeling and control of heat exchangers

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2023-11-13   10

报告人:Denis Dochain比利时鲁汶大学




Denis Dochain received his degree in Electrical engineering in 1982 from the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. He completed his Ph.D. thesis and a ``th\`{e}se d'agr\'{e}gation de l'enseignement sup\'{e}rieur in 1986 and 1994, respectively, also at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. He has been CNRS associate researcher at the LAAS (Toulouse, France) in 1989, and Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montr\'{e}al, Canada in 1987-88 and 1990-92. He has been with the FNRS (Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique, National Fund for Scientific Research), Belgium since 1990. Since September 1999, he is Professor at the ICTEAM (Institute), Universit\'{e} Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, and Honorary Research Director of the FNRS. He has been invited professor at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada between 2002 and 2004. He is full professor at the UCL since 2005. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Process Control, senior editor of the IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control and associate editor of Automatica. He is active in IFAC since 1999 (Council member, Technical Board member, Publication Committee member and chair, TC and CC chair). He received the IFAC outstanding service award in 2008 and is an IFAC fellow since 2010. He received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa from the INP Grenoble on December 13, 2020.

His main research interests are in the field of nonlinear systems, thermodynamics based control, parameter and state estimation, adaptive extremum seeking control and distributed parameter systems, with application to microbial ecology, environmental, biological and chemical systems, and electrical and mechanical systems. He is the (co-)author of 5 books, more than 160 papers in refereed journals and 260 international conference papers.



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