

A Brief History of Korean Mathematics

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2023-10-08   183

Title: A Brief History of Korean Mathematics


Speaker: Dohan Kim


Seoul National University, Korea  


Time: October 13, 15:00-16:00



Abstract: 1) From Almost Nothing to Fields Medal;

           2) Academic Exchange between China and Korea in Mathematics.


                   CURRICULUM  VITAE



Birth Date: May 15, 1950.



B.S. in Electronics Engineering, Seoul National University, 1972

M.S. in Mathematics, Seoul National University, 1974

Ph. D. in Mathematics, Rutgers University (Thesis Adviser, F. Treves), 1981


Experience in Seoul National University

Professor, 1992~

Chairman, Department of Mathematics, 2003~ 2005

Deputy Director & Director, BK21 Mathematical Science Division SNU, 1999~2006


Professional Organization Korean Mathematical Society

Vice President 1997~ 2006

President, 2007~ 2010


National Academy of Science, Republic of Korea

Member, since 2016

Chair, Division I of Science, 2018~ 2019


Korean Academy of Science and Technology

Member, since 2006

Chair, Division of Science, 2016~2019

Chair, Prize Committee, since 2019


International Congress of Mathematicians, Seoul 2014

2011~2014 Chair, Advisory Committee, Organizing Committee for 2014 ICM at Seoul

2013 Chair, Organizing Committee, AMC 2013 (Asian Mathematical Conference) at Busan

Area of Specialization

Distributions and Hyperfunctions

Fourier Analysis

Linear Partial Differential Equations

Ordinary Differential Equations


Contact Person: Junde Wu(


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