

Zeta Functions of Shimura Varieties: Past, Present, and the Near Future

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2023-06-16   270


Number Theory and Representation Theory Seminar

Time: June 21, Wednesday, 16:00-17:00

Venue: Lecture Hall

Speaker:Yihang Zhu朱艺航(University of Maryland

Title: Zeta Functions of Shimura Varieties: Past, Present, and the Near Future

Abstract: I will first recall the general expectations of Shimura, Langlands, and Kottwtiz on the shape of the zeta function of a Shimura variety, or more generally its etale cohomology. I will then report on some recent progress which partially fulfills these expectations, for Shimura varieties of unitary groups and special orthogonal groups. Finally, I will give a preview of some foreseeable developments in the near future.

Profile. Yihang Zhu is an assistant professor at University of Maryland. He received his phd at Harvard University under Mark Kisin, and was Ritt Assistant Professor at Columbia University before joining Maryland. His research interest includes Shimura varieties and affine Deligne-Lusztig varieties.

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