

Fundamental forms of algebraic varieties

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2023-06-08   194

Title: Fundamental forms of algebraic varieties

Speaker: Prof. Wenbo Niu (University of Arkansas)

Time: 2023. 06.13, 16:00-17:00

Location: 海纳苑2幢204

Abstract: Fundamental forms can be thought of as linear systems attached to the projectivization of Zariski

tangent space at a nonsingular point of a variety. It was developed by the method of moving frames in

differential geometry. In 1979, Griffths-Harris used fundamental forms to study geometry of algebraic 

varieties and observed some vanishing phenomena. In this talk, I will give a purely algebraic approach 

to the theory of fundamental forms without using moving frames. Furthermore, I will extend the vanishing 

of fundamental obtained by Griffths-Harris and Landsberg to arbitrary order of fundamental forms. This is

a joint work with L. Ein.

Contact Person: 吴磊 (

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