

Power contraction of RAS with local impedance problems for the Helmholtz equation

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2023-09-20   206

报告题目:Power contraction of RAS with local impedance problems for the Helmholtz equation

报告摘要:The   Helmholtz equation is notoriously difficult to solve, especially for the case   of high wavenumber. The Restricted Additive Schwarz preconditioner with local   impedance problems (often called the ORAS method) is arguably the most   successful one-level parallel method for Helmholtz problems. This   preconditioner can be applied on very general geometries, does not require   parameter-tuning, and can even be robust to increasing wavenumber. To date,   there is relatively little convergence analysis for this method. In the talk,   I will present a novel analysis of the ORAS method.


时间:202352613:30  15:30


报告人简介:Dr. Shihua Gong obtained his bachelor’s degree from Sun Yatsen University in 2013 and Ph.D. degree in computational mathematics from Peking University in 2018. Before joining The Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen), he worked as a postdoctoral scholar at Pennsylvania State University (2018-2019) and then as a research associate at the University of Bath (2019-2021). His research interests include scientific computing and numerical analysis, mainly focusing on finite element and preconditioning techniques for frequency-domain wave equations and coupled equations for multi-physics problems.

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