

Compact hyperbolic Coxeter 4-polytopes with 8-facets

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2021-07-08   222

Topics on hyperbolic geometry


Date: from June 20 to July 20

Venue: Lecture Hall, Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics, No.7 teaching building

[ IASM visitors plan to organize an irregular seminar from June 20 to July 20. We will arrange about eight 1.5-hour introductory talks, on recent topics in hyperbolic geometry (and low-dimensional topology). The purpose of this seminar is to enhance communication and learn advances in the area. ]

Upcoming Seminar



July 8 Thur. 3:00pm -- 4:30 pm


Jiming Ma (Fudan University)


Compact hyperbolic Coxeter 4-polytopes with 8-facets


Unlike the spherical and parabolic cases, complete classification   regarding hyperbolic Coxeter polytopes of finite volume is far from being   obtained. Poincare and Andreev addressed this problems in dimensions 2 and 3,   respectively.  In dimensions larger   than or equal to four, complete classifications of Coxeter polytopes are   achieved scatteredly only in the cases of simplexes, n-polytopes of finite volume   with  n+2 facets and bounded n-polytope   with n+3 facets, etc. We obtain the complete classification for compact   hyperbolic Coxeter 4-polytopes with 8 facets. This is joint work with   Fangting Zheng.



Full information about the Seminar can be seen at:

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