

Minicourse on K-stability K-stability

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2020-12-22   510

讲座人: 刘雨晨(耶鲁大学)


简介: In this minicourse, I will introduce the recent developments in the algebro-geometric theory of K-stability. Specifically, I will discuss Fujita-Li's valuative criteria, openness of K-semistability, optimal destabilization theory for Fano varieties, and K-moduli spaces of Fano varieties. The main reference is K-stability of Fano varieties: an algebro-geometric approach by Prof. Chenyang Xu, arXiv:2011.10477.

时间: 12月22日,24日,29日,31日,1月5日,上午10:00——11:00

Zoom id: 988 8061 3106

密码: Kstability

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