

Multiplicity one for min-max theory in compact manifolds with boundary and its applications

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2020-12-17   399

报告人: 王志超 (多伦多大学)

时间: 9:30am—10:30am, December 21, 2020


线上报告: 腾讯会议ID: 723834103,  无密码



In this talk, we introduce the multiplicity one theorem for min-max free boundary minimal hypersurfaces in compact manifolds with boundary of dimension between 3 and 7 for generic metrics. To approach this, we developed the min-max theory for free boundary h-hypersurfaces and proved the generic properness for free boundary minimal hypersurfaces. The application includes the construction of new free boundary minimal hypersurfaces in the unit balls in Euclidean spaces and self-shrinkers of the mean curvature flow with arbitrarily large entropy. This is a joint work with A. Sun and X. Zhou.


联系人: 江文帅 (

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