Analysis&PDE | Subsonic/supersonic/transonic solutions for Euler-Poisson equations with sonic boundary
报告题目:Subsonic/supersonic/transonic solutions for Euler-Poisson equations with sonic boundary
报告人: Prof. Ming Mei (梅茗教授), 加拿大 McGill University and Champlain College Saint-Lambert
摘要: :This talk is to present our series of studies concerning with subsonic/supersonic/ transonic solutions for Euler-Poisson equations of semiconductor models with sonic boundary. According to different types of doping profile of the semiconductor device, we classify the existence/non-existence and uniqueness/multiplicity of the subsonic/supersonic/transonic solutions, and further study the stability of subsonic steady-state when the boundary is sonic. The sonic boundary condition makes the system to be degenerate at the boundary, and yields the singularity of the derivatives of those physical solutions. Some new techniques and ideas are introduced to overcome the degeneracy and singularity.
This series of studies is joint with Liang Chen (陈亮),Hailiang Li (李海梁),Jingyu Li(李敬宇), Guojing Zhang (张国敬)and Kaijun Zhang (张凯军)
报告人简介:梅茗,加拿大McGill大学Adjunct Professor及Champlain学院的终身教授。1996年博士毕业于日本国立金泽大学, 1996-1998年在日本金泽大学从事文部省JSPS博士后研究。1999年为金泽大学讲师。2000-2002在奥地利维也纳理工大学及加拿大Alberta大学和McGill大学从事博士后研究,2002-2005任加拿大Concordia大学LTA助理教授及研究副教授。2005至今为加拿大Champlain学院的终身教授及McGill大学Adjunct Professor。梅茗教授是偏微分方程领域知名学者,主要从事流体力学中半导体偏微分方程和生物数学中带时滞反应扩散方程研究,在Archive Rational Math. Mech., SIAM J. Math. Anal., J. Differential Equations, Commun. PDEs 等学术刊物上公开发表论文90余篇,是多家SCI国际数学杂志的编委。
All are welcome!
联系人:张挺 (