


来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2019-05-31   1845




时间 201978-22日。

地点: 浙江大学玉泉校区欧阳纯美楼 316教室。

讲座教师: LincolnD. Carr 教授。


Exploring the physical origins ofcomplexity in the quantum world with quantum simulators

Overview and Introduction

·        What do wemean by complexity?

·        Physical vs.computational complexity

·        What are thedistinguishing features of quantum systems in comparison to classical ones?

o   Singleparticle vs. many-body semiclassical limits

·        Why look inthe quantum world?

·        What do meanby a quantum simulator?  Briefly overview these

·        Statewell-posed physical question motivating for these lectures

Closed quantum systems: from the qubit and quantum logicto many-body quantum complexity

·        Build 2x2 and4x4 matrices for closed quantum system to teach entanglement, working fromNielsen and Chuang

·        Basic matrixoperations needed for quantum information one small step past usualundergraduate linear algebra course

·        Discrete vs.continuum time for digital vs. analog quantum computer

·        Describe somebasic gates, concepts of entropy and show how quantum information deviates fromclassical information e.g. second law of thermodynamics

·        Build towardlarger system, especially spin chains and Ising model

·        Physicaloverview of experimental architectures.  Draw on review in progresswith Gong and Kapit

·        Example ofJosephson junction (LMG model), spin chain, exciton transport. Work from examplesin Jaschke code papers

·        Explain SVDand examine information content.  What do we mean by this?

·        Concepts ofquantum macroscopicity.  Follow complexity talk overview.

·        What iscomplexity in this system?  Develop mutual information complexnetwork model

·        Every studentshould walk being able to use the QuSP package, also able to write a small codeto evolve the 2 qubit problem.

Open quantum systems: from X to Y

·        Revisit qubitand Bloch sphere.  What does loss of information mean?

·        DeriveLindblad equation to replace Schroedinger equation

·        Motivate2-level and 3-level open quantum system and work through Jaschke problem set,Shchedrin paper on lambda system.  Physical applications of lasingwithout inversion and fast/slow light.  Work up to 16x16 matrix.

·        Show how tomaintain entanglement with environment -- Kapit idea

·        Overviewphotosynthesis problem?

·        Otherstandard open quantum system problems?

·        Demo resultswith MPDO code and quantum trajectories.  Explain thesemethods.  Work from Jaschke paper.

Open questions

·        End withdetailed list of open questions opening up new lines of research.



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