

Global solutions to the Burgers-Hilbert equation

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2019-11-28   530

题目: Global solutions to the Burgers-Hilbert equation

报告人:Alberto Bressan(美国宾州州立大学


摘要:  In 2009 J.Biello and J.Hunter derived a balance law modeling nonlinear waves

with constant frequency,  obtained from  Burgers' equation by adding the Hilbert transform as a source term.  Recent work has established the global existence of solutions in the space  L^2(R), and a partial result on uniqueness. This talk will also describe the construction of piecewise smooth solutions, locally in time, providing a detailed analysis of the solution profile in a neighborhood of each shock. Various related open problems will be discussed.

Alberto Bressan,美国宾州州立大学Eberly Family讲席教授,主要从事双曲守恒律,交通流模型,拉格朗日系统的脉冲控制,非合作微分策略等问题的研究。2002年国际数学家大会一小时邀请报告人,美国数学会会士,曾获得G. Fichera prize,L. Amerio prize,Bôcher Memorial Prize,A. Feltrinelli prize,Analysis of Partial Differential Equations Prize of the SIAM等多项荣誉。担任十几个国际重要期刊的编委,包括Arch. Rational Mech. Anal., J. Differential Equations., SIAM J. Math. Anal., Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 等。多次在国际会议上做邀请报告,发表超过200篇学术论文,并出版多本专著。


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