Representation Theory| The Prasad conjecture
Speaker: Dr. Lu Hengfei/吕恒飞 (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Title: The Prasad conjecture
Time:14:30-15:30pm, 4 Nov, 2019 (Monday)
Location:105,Sir Run Run Shaw Business Administration building
Abstract: We will give a brief introduction to the Prasad conjecture about the distinction problem of G(E)/G(F). Then we will try to use the local theta correspondence to study the analogous situation for the metaplectic case. Finally we will give a conjecture for the multiplicity dim Hom_{Sp(2n,F)}(/tau, 1) for a representation /tau of Mp(2n,E) which is closely related to the Prasad conjecture for the general spin group G=GSpin(2n+1).
Contact person:Gao Fan (