Half day of representation theory
Talk 1
Title: The spectral side of stable local trace formula for real groups
Speaker:Mok Chung Pang (Academia Sinica, Taipei)
Time:9:30-10:30AM, 31 Oct, 2019 (Thursday)
Location:200-9,Sir Run Run Shaw Business Administration building
Abstract: In this talk, we give an introduction to the local trace formula of Arthur, and also its stabilization. Our main theorem gives, in the case of real groups, an explicit description of the spectral side of the stable local trace formula, in terms of Langlands parameters. Joint work with Peng Zhifeng.
About the Speaker: Professor Chung Pang Mok is an established mathematician in arithmetic geometry and automorphic representations. In particular, he has made numerous contributions to the arithmetic of elliptic curves, Hilbert modular forms and also the endoscopic theory of unitary groups, the last of which parallels the monumental work of James Arthur on endoscopic classification of classical groups.
Talk 2
Title: On the Gan-Gross-Prasad problem for finite unitary groups
Speaker:Zhicheng Wang (Zhejiang University)
Time:10:40-11:40AM, 31 Oct, 2019 (Thursday)
Location:200-9,Sir Run Run Shaw Business Administration building
Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss the Gan-Gross-Prasad problem for unitary groups over finite fields. Our results provide complete answers for unipotent representations, and we obtain the explicit branching of these representations. This is a joint work with Dongwen Liu.
Contact person:
Gao Fan (gaofan@zju.edu.cn)