

Analysis&PDE | Some recent progress on the mathematical analysis of the Prandtl boundary layer equation

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2019-10-21   546

报告题目:Some recent progress on the mathematical analysis of the Prandtl boundary layer equation

报告人: 徐超江教授 (南京航空航天大学)



摘要: In 1904, Prandtl said that, in fluid of small viscosity, the behavior of fluid near the boundary is completely different from that away from the boundary. Away from the boundary part can be almost considered as ideal fluid, but the near boundary part is deeply affected by the viscous force and is described by Prandtl boundary layer equation which was firstly derived formally by Prandtl. From the mathematical point of view, the well-posedness and justification of the Prandtl boundary layer theory don’t have satisfactory theory yet. In this talk, we present some recent progress on the mathematical analysis of the Prandtl boundary layer equation. By using energy method, we study the well-posedness of Cauchy problem and the smoothness effect of solutions for Prandtl equations in Sobolev space.


All are welcome!

联系人:张挺 (


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