Analysis&PDE| Heteroclinic orbits of the n-center problem
报告题目:Heteroclinic orbits of the n-center problem
报告人: 陈国璋 教授(台湾清华大学)
摘要: It is well-known that the N-center problem is chaotic when N ≥ 3. By regularizing collisions, one can associate the dynamics with a symbolic dynamical system which yields infinitely many periodic and chaotic orbits, possibly with collisions. it is a challenging task to construct chaotic orbits without any collision. In this talk we consider the planar N-center problem with collinear centers and N ≥ 4, and show that, for any fixed nonnegative energy and certain types of periodic free-time minimizers, there are infinitely many collision-free heteroclinic orbits connecting them. Our approach is based on minimization of a normalized action functional over paths within certain topological classes, and the exclusion of collision is based on some recent advances on local deformation methods. This is a joint work with Guowei Yu.
报告人简介:陈国璋 (Chen, Kuo-Chang),台湾清华大学数学系教授,曾任台湾清华大学数学系主任。研究领域为动力系统,天体力学及微分方程。研究成果在Annals of Math等顶级数学期刊上发表,获得多项学术荣誉及奖励。现担任学术期刊Nonlinearity及Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems�Series A 编委。
All are welcome!
联系人:张挺 (