Differential Geometry Seminar Recent progress on the Dirichlet problem for the minimal surface system and minimal cones
Differential Geometry Seminar
Speaker: Professor Zhang Yongsheng (张永胜) (Tongji University)
Title: Recent progress on the Dirichlet problem for the minimal surface system and minimal cones
Time & Venue: 2:00-3:00 pm, Sept 19, 2019 (Thursday), Room 314, Ouyang Bldg
Abstract: We shall mainly focus on two directions: (1) Further systematic developments after Lawson-Osserman’s 1977 Acta paper on the Dirichlet problem for minimal graphs of high codimensions. Aspects including non-existence, non-uniqueness and irregularity properties of solutions have been explored from different points of view. (2) Complexities and varieties of area-minimizing cones in high codimensions. We shall mention interesting history and exhibit some recent results which successfully furnished new families of minimizing cones of different types.
Contact: Professor Weimin Sheng (shengweimin@zju.edu.cn)