Four precious jewels in graph theory and combinatorics
Title: Four precious jewels in graph theory and combinatorics.
Speaker: Professor Peter Cameron (St. Andrew University, UK)
Venue: 200-9, Sir Run Run Shaw Business Building
Time: Lectures 1-2, 9:30-11:30, Aug 6, Tuesday, 2019
Lectures 3-4, 9:30-11:30, Aug 7, Wednesday, 2019
In the course of these lectures, I will speak about four remarkable objects:
1. the Erdos�R ˝ enyi ′ random graph, aka the Rado graph;
2. the rational numbers (as ordered set);
3. the Urysohn metric space;
4. the pseudo-arc.
Although these objects are four individuals, there are various general theories that connect them, and I will speak about some of these:
A. countably categorical structures;
B. homogeneous structures and Fraısse’s Theorem ′ ;
C. Ramsey classes and extreme amenability;
D. inverse limits and the dual of Fraısse’s Theorem .
联系人: 冯涛 研究员(