Volume Comparison under the weighted Ricci curvature Bound
Title: Volume Comparison under the weighted Ricci curvature Bound
Speaker: Prof. Zhongmin Shen (Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis)
Time: 16:00--17:00, June 24, 2019
Venue: Room 316, Ouyang Building(欧阳楼316室)
Abstract: In this talk, I will give a brief survey on the Laplacian of a distance function and the weighted Ricci curvature on a Riemannian measure manifold (M, g, dV). Then I will show the link between Riemannian measure manifolds and Finsler measure manifolds. This leads to the introduction of the weighted Ricci curvature using the S-curvature. The key results by G. Wei-Wylie and Bakry-Qian, etc. can be generalized to Finsler measure manifolds.
All are welcome!
Contact person: Qiaoling Xia (xiaqiaoling@zju.edu.cn)
Speaker: Prof. Zhongmin Shen (Indiana University-Purdue University,Indianapolis)
Time: 16:00--17:00, June 24, 2019
Venue: Room 316, Ouyang Building(欧阳楼316室)
Abstract: In this talk, I will give a brief survey on the Laplacian of a distance function and the weighted Ricci curvature on a Riemannian measure manifold (M, g, dV). Then I will show the link between Riemannian measure manifolds and Finsler measure manifolds. This leads to the introduction of the weighted Ricci curvature using the S-curvature. The key results by G. Wei-Wylie and Bakry-Qian, etc. can be generalized to Finsler measure manifolds.
All are welcome!
Contact person: Qiaoling Xia (xiaqiaoling@zju.edu.cn)