

Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev Inequality on Product Spaces

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2019-06-15   602

报告题目:  Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev Inequality on Product Spaces  

报告人:    王子鹏(西湖大学

报告时间:   2019年6月17日, 10:15-11:15

报告地点: 玉泉校区逸夫工商楼200-9

报告摘要: Product theory in harmonic analysis dates back to the time of Jessen, Marcinkiewicz  and Zygmund as the strong maximal function was first investigated. Study of certain operators, commuting with a multi-parameter family of dilations, has seen little progress since the 1990s after a number of pioneering works accomplished. In particular, the area remains largely open for fractional integrals.

联系人: 王梦 (



Ph.D in Mathematics

Assistant Professor, Westlake University

Research Interest: Harmonic Analysis

2005-2009, Penn State University, B.Sc and M.A

Advisor: Alberton Bressan

2011-2012, University of Cambridge

2012-2015, Princeton University Ph.D

Advisor: Elias M. Stein

2015-2018, McMaster University, Postdoc Fellowship

Supervisor: Eric T. Sawyer  

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