

Numerical Analysis of Hemivariational Inequalities Arising in Mechanics

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2019-06-03   449

题目:Numerical Analysis of Hemivariational Inequalities Arising in Mechanics
报告人:Professor Weimin Han
时间:6月4日 15:00-17:00
摘要:Inequality problems in mechanics can be divided into two main categories: that of variational inequalities which is concerned with nonsmooth and convex functionals (potentials), and that of hemivariational inequalities which is concerned with nonsmooth and nonconvex functionals (superpotentials).  While variational inequalities have been studied extensively, the study of hemivariational inequalities is more recent.  Through the formulation of hemivariational inequalities, problems involving nonmonotone, nonsmooth and multivalued constitutive laws, forces, and boundary conditions can be treated successfully. In the recent years, substantial progress has beenmade on numerical analysis of hemivariational inequalities.  In this talk, a summarizing account will be given on recent and new results on the numericalsolution of hemivariational inequalities with applications in contact mechanics.


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