Locating localized dynamic changes in a random medium
Title: Locating localized dynamic changes in a random medium
时间:6月4日 上午10:30――11:30
报告人: 薛琪博士(University Grenoble-Alpes)
Abstract: We consider a method for imaging local dynamic changes in a random, heterogeneous medium. It relies on the combination of a forward model to calculate the sensitivity kernel of the source-receiver pairs, with an inversion method to determine the position of the changes.
The difficulty of the linear system originated from this problem is revealed by the SVD decomposition of the correponding matrix. A careful choice of model and optimization program cracks the difficulty and provides a stable inversion result. The method is validated via both numerical examples and experimental data from an actual civil engineering problem.
联系人:赖俊老师 laijun6@zju.edu.cn