报告1: Cup product and Sharifi's conjectures
报告人:Jun Wang (英属哥伦比亚大学)
时间:2019年5月28日 (星期二)下午2:00-3:00
摘要: R. Sharifi formulated remarkable conjectures which relate the arithmetic of cyclotomic fields to Eisenstein quotient of the homology groups of modular curves. In this talk, I will give a brief introduction to Sharifi's conjectures and explain the statuses of these conjectures.
报告人:赵永强 (西湖大学)
时间:2019年5月28日 (星期二)下午3:00-4:00
摘要: The determinant method was pioneered in the work of Bombieri-Pila and further developed by Heath-Brown, Salberber and others. It supplies a method to give uniform upper bound on the number of rational or integral points on algebraic varieties. In this expository talk, we will give a brief introduction to this important method and discuss some of its applications. All the results we will discuss in the talk are well-known except possible original mistakes.