

Quantifying nonclassicality of light

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2019-05-22   331

Title:   Quantifying nonclassicality of light

Speaker: Shunlong Luo (骆顺龙)

          Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science

          Chinese Academy of Sciences


报告时间:2019年5月25日(星期六) 上午10:30-11:30


Abstract: Identifying the classical-quantum divide and quantifying quantumness (nonclassicality) are fundamental issues in quantum exploration. By use of the Wigner-Yanase skew information [Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA, 49, 910 (1963)], which synthesizes the noncommutativity between quantum states and observables, we introduce a simple yet effective measure for nonclassicality of any bosonic field state. This is achieved by considering measurement of the non-Hermitian annihilation operator from an information-theoretic perspective. This measure, apart from capturing the idea of nonclassicality as quantum uncertainty in a succinct way, is mathematically computable, physically intuitive, and possesses operational significance. We investigate its fundamental properties, and illustrate its physical applications in quantifying nonclassicality of quantum states. We compare it with various existent measures of nonclassicality and illustrate its merits. A related measure of classicality, which is in some sense dual to nonclassicality, is also introduced. This pair of (classicality, nonclassicality) sheds novel insights into the classical-quantum interplay. 

报告人简介:骆顺龙 教授,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院应用数学研究所所长,量子计算与量子信息处理研究中心主任, 北京数学会副理事长。主要从事概率统计和量子信息研究。 

联系人: 武俊德

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