Advanced PDE Seminar May 19-- June 1st, 2019
Advanced PDE Seminars
Advanced PDE Seminars aims to provide cutting-edge courses in partial differential equations for young scholars and students in China, and promote exchanges and cooperation between them. The Seminars have been successfully held for three years in Zhejiang University(Hangzhou, 2016), University of Science and Technology of China(Hefei,2015) , Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science , Chinese Academy of Sciences (Beijing, 2014) respectively. The fourth Advanced PDE Seminars will be held in the School of Mathematical Sciences, Zhejiang University from May 19th to June 1st, 2019.The courses will focus on elliptic and parabolic equations, and have a strong favor of "geometric analysis". About 80 young scholars and students will attend the seminar.
Lecture hall in Institute of Advanced Mathematics, East 7 Building, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou.
Nonlocal Elliptic and Parabolic Equations and Free Boundary Problems.
Fanghua Lin (New York Uniersity)
Xinan Ma (University of Science and Technology of China)
Weimin Sheng (Zhejiang Uniersity)
Wei Wang (Zhejiang Uniersity)
Ting Zhang (Zhejiang Uniersity)
1. Denis Kriventsov (Rutgers University)
2. Fanghua Lin (New York Uniersity)
3. Joaquim Serra (ETH-Zurich),
4. Yannick Sire (John Hopkins University),
5. Kelei Wang (Wuhan University)
6. Jun-Cheng Wei (University of British Columbia)
Denis Kriventsov:
Title: Regularity of Free Boundaries via Linearization
Abstract: While the structure of free boundaries in Bernoulli and obstacle-type problems is potentially quite complicated, the fact remains that at generic points, one expects that the interface is smooth and well-approximated by some simple one-dimensional profile. An observation of De Giorgi, in his work on minimal surfaces, was that this is a great setup for a compactness argument which essentially reduces it to studying a linearized problem for smooth perturbations of the tangent object. We will discuss how the same insight can be applied to Bernoulli problems, following a work of De Silva. Time permitting, we will also consider some further recent extensions by the speaker and F. Lin, other free boundary problems which can be tackled, and the case of the obstacle problem.
Fanghua Lin:
Yannick Sire:
Title:Asymptotics for nonlocal geometric equations and applications
Abstract:The aim of the lectures is to develop tools in Geometric Measure Theory and calculus of variations to study geometric problem which are of nonlocal nature such as harmonic maps with free boundary and minimal surfaces with free boundary. We will investigate mainly two problems in singular perturbation theory: the fractional Ginzburg-Landau system and the fractional Allen-Cahn equation. Each of those exhibit nonlocal phenomena and new approaches have to be developed to deal with the limit.
1- Basic theory of standard Minimal Surfaces
2- Basic theory of standard Harmonic maps
3- Fractional harmonic maps and their extension as harmonic maps with free boundary
4- Nonlocal minimal surfaces
5- The half Ginzburg-Landau system
6- The fractional Allen-Cahn equation
7- Elements of parabolic theory
Joaquim Serra:
Abstract: The classical obstacle problem can be seen as the paradigm of free boundary problems. It is equivalent, after certain transformations, to other well-known free boundary problems such as the Stefan problem. We will give an introduction to the regularity theory for the free boundary of the obstacle problem. We will revisit the classical theory (with some new proofs) and also explain some recent exciting developments on the analysis of singularities.
Kelei Wang:
Title: Second order estimates on transition layers
Abstract: I will discuss a second order regularity theory on level sets of solutions to the singularly perturbed Allen-Cahn equation, established recently with Juncheng Wei. The main foucus of the lectures will be devoted to the derivation of Toda system from Allen-Cahn equation, by using the infinite dimensional Lyapunov�Schmidt reduction method devloped by M. del Pino, M. Kowalczyk and Juncheng Wei. If time permits, I will also discuss some applications of this second order regularity theory, including the classification of finite Morse index solutions of Allen-Cahn equation, a proof of the multiplicity one conjecture of Marques and Neves by Chodosh and Mantoulidis using Allen-Cahn approximation.
Juncheng wei:
Title: Parabolic gluing method and finite time singularity for two-dimensional nematic liquid crystal flow
Abstract: I will introduce recently developed parabolic gluing methods and its application to construction of finite time blow-up to two-dimensional nematic liquid crystals flows introduced by C. Liu and F. Lin.
注册:14:00-20:00, May 19, 2019, Lobby in Zijingang International Hotel (紫金港国际饭店)
Date | Time | Speakers |
May 20 (Monday) | 9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Yannick Sire |
| Free | |
May 21 (Tuesday) | 9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Yannick Sire |
14:00-15:20 & 15:40-17:00 | Kelei Wang | |
May 22 (Wednesday) | 9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Yannick Sire |
14:00-15:20 & 15:40-17:00 | Kelei Wang | |
May 23 (Thursday) | 9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Yannick Sire |
14:00-15:20 & 15:40-17:00 | Kelei Wang | |
May 24 (Friday) | 9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Juncheng Wei |
14:00-17:00 workshop |
| |
May25(Saturday) | 9:00-11:30 workshop |
14:00-17:00 workshop |
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May 27 (Monday) | 9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Joaquim Serra |
14:00-15:00 & 15:20-16:20 | Denis Kriventsov | |
May 28 (Tuesday) | 9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Joaquim Serra |
14:00-15:00 & 15:20-16:20 | Denis Kriventsov | |
May 29 (Wednesday) | 9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Joaquim Serra |
14:00-15:00 & 15:20-16:20 | Denis Kriventsov | |
9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Joaquim Serra | |
14:00-15:00 & 15:20-16:20 | Denis Kriventsov | |
May 31 (Friday) | 9:00-10:00& 10:20-11:20 | Fanghua Lin |
Zijingang International Hotel, 796 Shenhua Road, Hangzhou
(紫金港国际饭店, 申花路796号)
We could support 40 young researchers and Ph.D students' accommodations during the period, (2 person share one Standard Room)
Zhejiang University
University of Science and Technology of China
Tian-Yuan Foundation of NSFC
Conference Schedule for Advanced Seminar in PDE
May 24, Friday, Afternoon Session | |
14:00 � 14:10 | Opening: Profesor Fanghua Lin |
14:10 � 14:40 | Chuanqiang Chen: Smooth solutions to the $L_p$-Dual Minkowski problem |
14:40 � 15:10 | Yuning Liu: Sharp interface limit of a phase field model for elastic bending energy |
15:10� 15:30 | Tea break |
15:30� 16:00 | Bin Deng:The Neumann problem for a class of fully nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations |
16:00� 16:30 | Caihong Yi:A class anisotropic curvature flows and $L_p$ Minkowski type problems |
16:30� 17:00 | Jiaxiang Wang:Some Results in complex Monge-Ampere equations and Kaehler geometry |
| Dinner |
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