

On the existence of the generic bases of cluster algebras

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2018-12-16   633

题目:On the existence of the generic bases of cluster algebras

报告人:覃帆 博士 (上海交通大学)

时间: 2018年12月19日(周三) 上午10:00

摘要:It is natural to expect that the cluster characters of generic objects in a cluster category often provide a basis for the corresponding (upper) cluster algebra, called the generic basis. Previously known cases are cluster algebras arising from coordinate rings of unipotent cells or triangulated surfaces. In this talk, we first review the construction of generic bases. Then, we present a recent result that all injective-reachable upper cluster algebras possess generic bases. It covers all previously known cases and many more. It applies to many cluster algebras with a Lie theoretic background.


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