

Sharp estimate of global Coulomb gauge in dimension 4

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2018-12-11   667

Title:  Sharp estimate of global Coulomb gauge in dimension 4

Speaker:  Yu Wang (Northwestern University)

Time:  15:00 ―16:00, December 13, 2018

Location:  Room 200-9, Sir Shaw Run Run Business Administration building,School of Mathematical Sciences, Yuquan Campus

Abstract: Consider a principle SU(2)-bundle P over a compact 4-manifold M and a W^{1,2}-connection A of P satisfying ||F_A||_{L^2}

controllably many singularities such that the connection form /sigma*A satisfies the Coulomb equation d*(/sigma* A) = 0 and moreover admits a sharp estimate.

In this talk, we first recall some preliminaries and then outlines the proof. If time allows we shall elaborate on the ideas to overcome the main difficulties in this problem, which include an epsilon-regularity theorem for the Coulomb gauge, an annular-bubble regions decomposition for the curvature, and studying the singularity behavior of the Coulomb gauge on each annular and bubble region.

Contact Person: Wenshuai Jiang (

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