


来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2018-12-09   918

1. 报告人:Fuzhen Zhang(张福振), Professor(Nova Southeastern University,USA)



   题目:Spectral Theory of Quaternion Matrices

   摘要:The spectrum of an operator on a Banach space over the complex field C may be considered as one of the central topics of Operator Theory. While the study of the bounded linear operators over a complex Banach space stems from that of linear transformations on a finite-dimensional vector space over the complex C (or real R or any field F) for which the elements (scalars) commute, the study of operators on a space with the underlying skew-field,  quaternions, is rather different. In fact, the (left) spectrum of  2-by-2 matrices of quaternion matrices is surprisingly difficult to characterize, and the (left) spectrum of  3-by-3 matrices of quaternion matrices is still known. Quaternions form noncommutative division algebra (skew field).  As part of contemporary mathematics, they find uses not only in   theoretical and applied mathematics but also in computer graphics, control theory, signal processing,  physics, and mechanics. Focusing mainly on the spectrum of quaternion matrices, this talk briefly reviews basic theory on quaternions and matrices of quaternions, presents important results, propose open questions, and survey recent developments and publications in the area. 

2. 报告人:Qingwen Wang(王卿文) 教授(上海大学)



   题目:A system of Sylvester-type quaternion matrix equations with applications

   Abstract: In this talk, we first introduce the developments of the Sylvester-type matrix equations over the quaternion algebra, then focus on a system of 4 quaternion matrix equations. We give the solvability conditions and the expression of the general solution of the system. We also present a real application of the system.




1. 张福振,辽宁人。1993 年获美国加利福尼亚大学-圣巴巴拉数学博士学位。现为美国佛罗里达诺瓦东南大学数学教授。 数学研究领域为线性与多重线性代数及矩阵分析(以及算子理论和组合数学)。至今发表学术论文80余篇,著作3部(约翰霍普金斯大学一本;斯普林格两本)。 曾任或现任一些学术杂志编委。 主要国际会议演讲 (Plenary Speaker):第 18 届国际线性代数学会大会 (美国罗德岛,2013 年 6 月),第 22 届国际矩阵与统计研讨班 (加拿大多伦多大学菲尔斯数学所,2013 年 8 月),田纳西线性代数及图论会议(2016 年 3 月), 及 2017 年波兰国际矩阵会议。主办国际矩阵分析及应用系列会议 (ICMAA), 任组委会主席或委员。在世界各地专业会议中报告 80 余次。 参与创建佛州华人华侨联合会,并曾任主席,南佛州现代中文学校校长。 2013 年获诺瓦东南大学 杰出教授奖(Distinguished Professor of the Year)。2016 年获上海市“海外名师”称号。

2. 王卿文,山东人,中国矩阵代数领域的主要专家之一。中国科学技术大学获基础数学博士学位。现任上海大学数学系教授,博士生导师,数学系系主任,上海大学核心数学研究所执行所长,上海大学数学与编码密码研究所执行所长,21个国际数学杂志编委,中国线性代数学会理事,中国高等教育学会教育数学专业委员会理事长,上海市数学会理事,2012年入选上海市领军人才。曾获香港求是科技基金会求是研究生奖,曾宪梓教育基金会高校教师奖2等奖,全国宝钢优秀教师奖,上海大学教学名师。



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