Numerical simulation of semiconductor devices by solving multi-subband Boltzmann equation
Title: Numerical simulation of semiconductor devices by solving multi-subband Boltzmann equation
Speaker: Prof. Tiao Lu (School of Mathematical Sciences, Peking University )
Time: 3:30-5:30pm, Nov. 9,2018
Location: Room 200-9, Sir Shaw Run Run Business Administration building, School of Mathematical Sciences, Yuquan Campus
Abstract: As naonmanufacturing techonology has been widely used in semiconductor device fabrication, numerical simulation plays a more and more important role in design of new nanoscale devices. In this talk, I will introduce a platform we developed based on numerical solution of the multi-subband equation which is a quantum-classical hybrid model. The model describes the subbands produced by the quantum confinement in one direction by Shcroedinger-Poisson system and the carrier transport in the channel direction by the Botlzmann equation. The platform is suitable to study not only IV semiconductors such as silicon semiconductors but also III-V compound semiconductors. The influence of various scattering mechanisms and crystal orientations are studied on the platform. In addition, a method for calibrating the drift-diffusion (DD) model is also proposed so that the quasi-ballistic transport phenomenon can be accurately described by the modified DD model. Then I will introduce two algorithms for the multi-subband BTE. One is the non-split positive flux-conserving scheme for solving the transport part of the BTE, and the other is the discrete kernel preserving method for 1D electron-phonon scattering.
(摘要: 半导体器件已经进入了纳米时代,数值模拟在新型器件的设计中起着越来越重要的作用。一个描述纳米器件的量子-经典混合模型是多子带Boltzmann方程,它是由求解尺寸限制产生子带的Schroedinger-Poisson方程组以及求解电子输运的半经典Boltzmann方程组成的。我将介绍我们开发的基于多子带Botlzmann方程直接解法的器件模拟平台。该平台不仅适用用硅半导体材料,还适用于III-V族化合物材料,能够研究散射机制、晶向变化和沟道长度等对载流子输运特性的影响。 基于该平台,我们还提出了一套校准漂移扩散模型的方法,大幅提升了商用模拟软件中漂移扩散模型对纳米尺度III-V族半导体期间特性模拟的准确度。 然后,我介绍我们设计的两个算法,一个是求Boltzann方程的输运部分的非分裂的保正的流量守恒格式,另一个是Boltzmann方程的散射算子的保结构离散格式。)
Contact Person: Qinghai Zhang (