Some mathematical appeoximation approaches in data science
时间: 2018年9月20日下午2点30至6点
报告题目:Identifiability of Multichannel Blind Deconvolution and Nonconvex Regularization Algorithm
报告摘要:―In this talk, we consider the multichannel blind deconvolution problem, where we observe the output of channels hi 2 Rn(i = 1; :::;N) that all convolve with the same unknown
input signal x 2 Rn. We wish to estimate the input signal and blur kernels simultaneously. Existing theoretical results showed that the original inputs are identifiable under subspace assumptions.However, the subspaces discussed before were randomly or generically chosen. Here we propose deterministic subspace assumption which is widely used in practice, and give some
theoretical results. First of all, we derive tight sufficient condition for identifiability of signal and convolution kernels, which is only violated on a set of Lebesgue measure zero. Then we present a non-convex regularization algorithm by lifting method and approximate the rank-one constraint via the difference of nuclear norm and Frobenius norm. The global minimizer of the proposed non-convex algorithm is rank-one matrix under mild conditions
on parameters and noise level. The stability result is also shown under the assumption that the inputs lie in a compact set. Besides, the computation of our regularization model is carried out and any limit point of iterations converges to a stationary point of our model. Finally, we provide numerical experiments to show that our non-convex regularization model outperforms convex relaxation models, such as nuclear norm minimization and some non-convex methods, such as alternating minimization method and spectral method.