


来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2018-08-29   1310


题目: Stability Thresholds on Fano type manifolds

报告人:张科伟  (北京大学)
时间:9月3日(周一) 10:00 -11:00
地点: 工商楼4楼报告厅

摘要: In this talk I will first talk about Tian’s alpha invariant from both analytic and algebraic point of views. Then I will discuss delta invariant, which was recently introduced by Fujita-Odaka. These two invariants play essential role in the study of Kahler-Einstein problems on Fano type manifolds and they closely related to the notion of K-stability. I will discuss various applications of these two invariants, including some new results in my joint work with Yanir Rubinstein and Ivan Cheltsov. In particular, I’ll show that delta invariant coincides with greatest Ricci lower bound on Fano manifolds. And also I will give some new examples of log Fans surfaces admitting conic Kahler-Einstein metrics.


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