Conformal blocks, Verlinde formula and diagram automorphism
Title: Conformal blocks, Verlinde formula and diagram automorphism
Speaker: Prof. Jiuzu Hong (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Time: 2:00-4:00pm, July 30
Location:Room 200-9,Sir Shaw Run Run Business Administration building,School of Mathematical Sciences, Yuquan Campus
Abstract:The Verlinde formula computes the dimension of conformal blocks associated to simple Lie algebras and stable pointed curves. If a simply-laced simple Lie algebra admits a nontrivial diagram automorphism, then this auto- morphism acts on the space of conformal blocks naturally. I will explain a Verlinde type formula for the trace of the diagram automorphism on the space of conformal blocks. I will particularly explain the appearance of twisted affine Lie algebra in the formula.
Contact Person: Dongwen Liu (