Title:The anomaly flow
Speaker:Professor Xiangwen Zhang(University of California, Irvine)
Time:Jul 6(Friday)16:00-17:00 pm
Address:Gongshang Building 200-9
We discuss the development on geometric and analytic aspects of the Anomaly flow. Such flow naturally arises in the study of a system of equations for supersymmetric vacua of superstrings proposed independently by C. Hull and A. Strominger in 1980s. The system allows non-vanishing torsion and they incorporate terms which are quadratic in the curvature tensor. As such they are also particularly interesting from the point of view of both non-Kaehler geometry and the theory of nonlinear partial differential equations. While the complete solution of the system seems out of reach at the present time, we describe progress in developing a new general approach based on geometric flows. It turns out that the corresponding flow shares some features with the Ricci flow and preserves the conformally balanced condition of Hermitian metrics. This is joint work with D. Phong and S. Picard.
Contact person:Professor Weimin Sheng(shengweimin@zju.edu.cn)