Global and blowup solutions for the 1D compressible Euler equations and their numerical computations
太阳集团tcy8722网站九十周年院庆系列活动之三十七 Title: Global and blowup solutions for the 1D compressible Euler equations and their numerical computations. Speaker: Prof. Shaohua Chen (Cape Breton University) Time: July 11, 2018, 13:30-14:30 Place: Ouyan Building 314 Abstract: In this talk, we consider some global and blowup solutions for the 1D compressible Euler equations with time and space dependent damping. We first use a new functional method to obtain an upper and lower bound for the solutions and then give sufficient conditions for some global and blowup solutions.Numerical computations show that global solutions will asymptotically approach to a heat equation for large initial data in the whole space. 联系人: 张挺( ) Welcome!