

(1月2日)Quantitative Trading: Dynamic Optimization, Financial Technology and Risk Control

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2017-12-09   280


题目: Quantitative Trading: Dynamic Optimization, Financial Technology and Risk Control

报告人:Tze Leung LAIStanford University

报告时间: 20180102日(4:00-5:00 pm

报告地点: 工商楼2楼200-9报告厅


After the tumultuous period marked by the 2007-2008 Financial Crisis and the Great Recession of 2009, the financial industry has entered a new era. The onset of this era is marked by two “revolutions” that have transformed modern life and business. One is technological, dubbed “the FinTech revolution” for financial services. The other is called “big data revolution”. Quantitative trading in electronic markets epitomizes Dynamic Optimization, Financial Technology, and Risk Control in the aforementioned new era of the financial industry, covering all aspects ranging from portfolio/wealth management to order placement and routing.

Ø  Data cloud is first processed by an analytics machine.

Ø  Analytics refers to both analysis of the data and the development of data-driven trading strategieswhich naturally make use of Optimization.

Ø  Models provide the connection between the data and the trading strategies.

Ø  Algorithms are step-by-step procedures for computing the solutions of not only optimization but also other mathematical and data analysis problems.




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