

( 5月26日)威斯康辛州立大学密尔瓦基分校范大山教授和厦门大学伍火熊教授的报告

来源:太阳集团tcy8722网站 发布时间:2017-05-25   721

1. 题目: Problems in some integral operators

  摘要: In the talk, we will address problems on some integral operators in my recent research. These operators include the bilinear fractional integral, rough singular integral and Hausdorff operator, among some others.

  报告地点: 工商楼二楼报告厅

  报告时间: 5月26日  14:00-15:00

 报告人:  范大山 威斯康辛州立大学密尔瓦基分校

2. 题目:On the singular integrals and commutators in Bessel setting

   摘要:In this talk, I'll present some recent results on singular integrals related to Bessel operators, which include the boundedness of compactness of commutators for Riesz transform associated to Bessel operators in Lebesgue spaces and Morrey spaces, the variation inequalities for Poisson and heat semigroups, Riesz transforms in Bessel setting.


报告时间: 5月26日 15:10-16:10

报告人: 伍火熊 厦门大学



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